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Carla Collis Gesite

The Secret to Fulfilling Holidays -- One Word

One of my most vivid holiday memories? Christmas morning 1969…

My sister, Crista, and I (ages 4 and 6) sat at the base of the stairs for what felt like an eternitybefore our parents gave us the go-ahead to venture into the den.  When the time came, we ran as fast as we could to see what Santa had brought us.

Once we entered the room, though, the presents were the least of our concern.
Something else captured our attention, something downright magical…

We could see Santa’s footprints, plain as day!  

He had obviously come down the chimney, stepped in the soot, and made footprints all over the hardwood floor.  We were delighted as we followed his footprints from the chimney to the table where we’d left his cookies. We felt such a sense of wonder.  Yep, if I had to describe that Christmas in one word, it would be wonder.

Which leads me to a question —

What one word do you want to embody your holidays this year?

If only we could be like children — enjoying the moment, without a care in the world. But, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, there are tons of things clamoring for our attention. It’s easy to be pulled in so many directions that we don’t enjoy the holidays at all. So, this year, I challenge you to pick a single word that symbolizes what you want to experience this holiday season.

And when you’re making decisions — about how you spend your time, what you buy, where you go — ask yourself, “Is this in line with my desire for the holidays to be ___________ (insert your one word)”?

Here’s to holidays that are all you want them to be,

P.S., My parents bought shag carpet the year after that wonder-filled Christmas, so 1970 was the one and only time we saw Santa’s footprints!


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